Software Support
How-to’s and problem solving steps for users of SyringePumpPro.
How-to’s and problem solving steps for users of SyringePumpPro.
To Find Your Pumps Internal Software Version Switch your pump off. Press and hold the left most arrow key whilst turning on your pump. The pump will display it's software version in the form rX.YZ where X.YZ is the version number. This video shows 3.80 Does It Matter? No. It [...]
How does the pump communicate with a computer. Pump Communication Procedure Command Set Are you looking for a detailed explanation of the the available pump commands? Are you interested in the specific syntax of a pump command? They are explained in detail in your pump manual. I am considering offering pump programming training here, are [...]
There is an easy way to create Pump Programs! Use the PPL Creator spreadsheet which is installed with SyringePumpPro. PPL Creator is supplied by New Era Pumps. It is easy to use but you still need to be familiar with how the pump works, and the pump commands in order to write programs for [...]
Are you operating a pump - perhaps it's your early days with the pump, and when you push the RUN button the pump seems to do weird stuff you never asked for? Is your pump pre-loved? (pre-used?) You might have one of three problems: Your pump has someone else's program in it and your [...]
MyLabVIEW logo Looking for a LabVIEW Driver for New Era Pump Systems? Funny logo? Yes! For the record I asked National Instruments if I could use the correct LabVIEW logo and was refused permission and told off for how I displayed the text LabVIEW. You see I had Lab.... I am not allowed [...]
This interesting question is asked every now and then - How does SyringePumpPro report rates and volumes for the multi-channel pumps? or Why does SyringePumpPro only report rates and volumes for a single channel? There are a number of multi-channel or multi-syringe pumps available from the manufacturers that SyringePumpPro supports. Currently SyringePumpPro treats them as [...]
Had a couple of reports about an issue with the PPL Creator spreadsheet. It looks like under Microsoft Office 2010 the spreadsheet inserts a line in each phase - #N/A When you upload the ppl to the pump using SyringePumpPro, every line of your ppl file is reported as an error. Work around - Use [...]
Continuous Infusion Syringe Pump System If one of your pumps is configured to be the master pump in a Special Application:Continuous Infusion/Dual Syringe Pump System it wont communicate with SyringePumpPro. This is because the master pump takes control of the serial connection to the slave pump via a special synchronization cable CBL-DUAL-3. This [...]
Just released today SyringePumpPro Peristaltic Precision update to support the release last week of New Era Pump Systems updated NE9000. The new Green head offers slower and finer flows and is now supported by SyringePumpPro. This is a free update for all owners of SyringePumpPro. Try users may install this update and receive a further [...]
Occasionally I get a report like this: I cannot change any of the settings on the pump. I go to the quick change area and change one of the fields and click on the button, everything reverts to the default. The pump works, I can make it start, pause, and stop all day, just can't [...]