New Era Pump Systems are entering a newer era! First we have a name change to New Era Instruments hinting at a broadening of their product range in the future. New Era are in the process of rolling out new pump models, product names and a new corporate website. The new pumps have names like SyringeOne rather than NE-1000.
Re branding themselves as NewEra Instruments, will present a stronger impression of their brand and provide a comprehensive list of product information that will be incredibly useful for distributors and end-users alike.
The new website is also being developed in French and Spanish to meet a rapidly growing demand in those markets.
If you are an owner of one of these new model pumps and you’d like some software to connect them to your computer try SyringePumpPro – it just works!.
New Look, New Names and Upgraded Pumps
Along with the new name and modern look website comes new pump models.
The new pumps are:

The links above will take you to the product page entries for these new pumps on the NewEra Instruments website.
We have updated our New Era Pump Page in our compatible pumps section and included the new pumps for your reference. Only the InfusionOne is not computer controllable and therefore not compatible with SyringePumpPro.
There’s a system to the new names. The ever reliable and top selling NE-1000 is now known as the SyringeONE. And the top OEM pump the NE-500 is now known as the SyringeOneOEM