DIY Syringe Pump

There’s a lot of interest in cheap and/or economical lab ware. Of particular interest to me is the area of DIY syringe pumps and peristaltic pumps.

In these articles I will talk about DIY Pumps – there’s a little too much oh yeah commercial pumps are a rip off talk and DIY is so cheap and easy. I will attempt to expose the reality of it all to you.

Do Commercial Pumps Cost Too Much?

Kent Genie Touch Screen Commercial laboratory pumps cost quite a lot - I know I have had to buy several for testing SyringePumpPro. I think there are about 12 pumps here. Your opinion on whether they cost too much is probably strongly determined by: your pumping requirements - a very simple on/off or [...]

By |2021-03-30T17:10:54-04:00April 3rd, 2017|Categories: DIY Syringe Pump, Pumps-cat|Tags: , |

Can SyringePumpPro control your DIY syringe pump?

Above photo from Open Syringe Pump If you build your own syringe pump - can SyringePumpPro control it? To command pumps, SyringePumpPro sends ASCII commands over an RS232 connection to the controller inside laboratory and OEM pumps. For example, to get the pump to infuse 750mls per hour the command sent to the pump would be [...]

By |2021-03-24T00:36:04-04:00April 3rd, 2017|Categories: DIY Syringe Pump, Software Support|Tags: , |