Spraybase® is the world’s first integrated, fully customizable benchtop instrument that allows researchers to perform electrospinning and electrospraying with a diverse range of polymers, proteins, biologics and more. Thier products are designed for unparalleled ease of use, safety, reproducibility and flexibility.
Electrospraying, which produces nanoparticles and electrospinning, which produces nanofibers, are among the most promising new technologies in biomedical research, food science, particle encapsulation, drug delivery, thin film deposition, and more. All Spraybase products are CE marked.
Spraybase® electrospinning instruments use electrical charge to convert a polymer solution into micro or nano scale fibers that are delivered onto substrates with applications in regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, wound healing, drug delivery, particle generation and encapsulation.
Spraybase is easy to use and guarantees reproducability with visualisation of the Taylor cone.
Other uses:
- Electrospinning of nano-fibers and micro-fibers
- co-axial and/or tri-axial elecrospinning and electrospraying
- Creating core sheath particles and fibers for a number of applications including drug delivery and tissue engineering.
- Potential applications in wound healing, tissue engineering, regenerative medicine
Shown below are some of the most popular Spraybase® kits, none of these photos show the controlling PC which is running SyringePumpPro.
If you watch their videos, SyringePumpPro can be seen running on the computer.
Spraybase Kits Which Include SyringePumpPro

Spraybase Electrospinning Rotating Drum Kit

Spraybase Electrospinning Kit

Spraybase Co-Axial Kit Electropsinning Kit