Had a couple of reports about an issue with the PPL Creator spreadsheet. It looks like under Microsoft Office 2010 the spreadsheet inserts a line in each phase – #N/A

When you upload the ppl to the pump using SyringePumpPro, every line of your ppl file is reported as an error.

Work around – Use Libre Office Calc instead of Microsoft Office. I use LibreOffice for everything here and have now installed copy of Microsoft Office 2010 for checking these sort of issues.

Update – if you are running into this issue – it’s time to update your spreadsheet to the latest version.

UPDATE 3rd Dec

Barry (owner of New Era Pump Systems and author of these handy spreadsheets) has provided me with updated files which are now included in Version 1.60 of SyringePumpPro which will be released in the next week. Thanks Barry!

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