Thank you for choosing SyringePumpPro!
Just follow these easy steps to get started:

On your computer double click the installer executable file.
NOTE: SyringePumpPro does not support installation on network shares, or running multiple copies of SyringePumpPro from a single network folder.
License Agreement Screen.
Read the contents of the license and if you do not agree to the terms, cancel the installation.
If you do agree to the license terms, indicate your acceptance by clicking on “I accept the agreement”.
You will see the installer program running.
Just follow the steps of the setup wizard to complete the installation.
Click finish to launch SyringePumpPro!
Need help with connecting your pumps
File Permission Issue
A few installations in corporate and some academic environments run into file permission problems. You will know you have this problem when SyringePumpPro will run and perform quite normally but it will pop up a couple of error messages each time you start the application. I have prepared some instructions for your IT people to work around this problem for you.